"The Best Gifts have a Personal Touch"

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Where the Does the Time Go?

Thanksgiving is now over and I did not have the time to do anything creative. Shame on me!! I am so bad at time management. "Hey I think that is going to be one of my New Year's Resolutions." Hopefully I can stick to it and find the time, even if its 20-30 minutes a day to do something creative.
On another note, I was hired to personalize candles for a baby shower. The baby shower was for a girl, the colors were Lilac, pink and white. Finding Lilac and Pink candles in the middle of the Christmas season was a challenge. I mean everywhere I looked only had red, green, gold and silver. I almost gave up. But my heavenly Father guided me one day to my local Christmas Tree Shoppe and low and behold I found them. They were gorgeous, scented and the icing on the "cupcake" ( which are my fav, lOl) were they lite up, yes flameless candles. She was thrilled. I am so happy that my creativity was appreciated.
Until next time,
~Be Creative