"The Best Gifts have a Personal Touch"
Let me start by saying that the Cricut Message Board ROCKS!!!!! I am a member of this great message board for Cricut users, and I have made some wonderful friends there and have seen so work of the most talented women and men there.
Well this week my Father's day gifts for my hubby Dennis were chosen as one of the highlighted threads on the Cricut newsletter. Its very exciting to be included, I am very skeptical about posting anything that I make because I am very hard on myself, and although my wonderfully supportive hubby and family love what I put together sometimes I second guess things.
Just wanted to say THANK YOU CRICUT MESSAGE BOARD MEMBERS AND NEWSLETTER for giving me a little reassurance that my work is good, good enough to be highlight on your newsletter.
Ok, so the mommy-to-be wasn't crazy about the invite I made but the daddy-to-be loved them. I asked her what she didn't like about the card and she wasn't crazy about the brown, a little to dark and poopy looking for her LOL. I thought of it as mm mm Chocolate. So I gave it another go this morning and came up with these. I hope these are too her liking so I can get started. I have a really bad habit of leaving things for the last minute, then I'm breaking nights to get it done and I give myself major stress and migraines. Can't have that happening with a very active 2 year old around.
Enjoy your day and remember Be Creative.
~Pinky Out